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WHS Policy Statement

The purpose of this procedure is to provide guidelines to effectively develop and communicate a workplace health and safety policy statement within Chris Hoole Painters.


This procedure applies to all employees of Chris Hoole Painters, visitors including contractors, volunteers, work experience students, trainees and the public.


Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 s22 Safe Plan

WH&S Policy Statement is a general statement of management's intent and expectation on the importance of WH&S for the business.
Supervisor is a person in control of a workplace (e.g. Supervisor, Ganger, Leading Hand or Team Leader).


Specific responsibilities for the development and approval of the WH&S Policy Statement are delegated to relevant executive management. Communication of the WH&S Policy Statement is delegated to relevant Managers, Supervisors, WHSOs, WHSRs and selected
staff as identified.

Developing and issuing a principal, WH&S Policy Statement by management is an important component of a WH&S Management System. The WH&S Policy Statement is designed to accept responsibility for WH&S of employees and is expressed as management's goals, responsibility, accountability and participation in WH&S.

Developing or Reviewing a WH&S Policy Statement

The key content of a WH&S Policy Statement is:

  1. Expression of management intentions, objectives and goals;
  2. senior management commitment to providing and maintaining a safe working environment free from risk;
  3. A set of general guidelines to the WH&S function of the business;
  4. The importance of consultation and cooperation between management and employees for effective communication of objections into actions;
  5. Acceptance of primary responsibility for the WH&S system and function by executive management;
  6. Outline authorities, responsibilities and accountabilities of all employees at all levels, including visitors and contractors;
  7. Training and communication of WH&S procedures and practices; and
  8. A system to regularly monitor and review the policy for effectiveness. Chris Hoole Painters


1. Management is to prepare in conjunction with the WHSO a WH&S Policy Statement for
the business;

2. The current CEO is to sign and date the WH&S Policy Statement;

3. The WH&S Committee is to develop communication strategies to communicate the Policy Statement to all employees, contractors and visitors to the workplaces. Examples are:

  • Include the WH&S Policy Statement in the Induction program for all new
    employees with a copy included in the induction books or handed out;
  • Include the WH&S Policy Statement in the Contractor Induction Program;
  • Attach the WH&S Policy Statement to relevant purchasing and contract tenders;
  • Display the WH&S Policy Statement in prominent locations around all workplaces;
  • Inform visitors to the workplaces of the WH&S Policy Statement when they sign in or receive a brief induction;
  • Discuss the WH&S Policy Statement at toolbox talks or team meetings; and
  • Include the WH&S Policy Statement in the WH&S Manual.

4. The WH&S Committee is to monitor the effectiveness of the communication of the WH&S Policy Statement; and

5. The WH&S Committee and management are to formally review the WH&S Policy Statement at predetermined intervals or when there is a change of CEO, to ensure its correctness and effectiveness.

7. ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTATION Following are forms associated with this procedure:


Chris Hoole Painters

Chris Hoole Painters is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for our employees and for contractors and visitors to the workplace. Adopting and promoting the provisions of the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 and its associated Regulation, Codes and Standards, together with significant importance placed in the areas of hazard / risk management and injury prevention strategies, will achieve our WH&S Objectives.

Our primary WH&S objective is to eliminate or reduce risk by developing proactive strategies and adopting a risk management approach to WH&S in order to provide an injury/illness free workplace. We understand that creating and maintaining a safe and healthy working environment is a major part of our overall responsibilities, and that all employees with management or supervisory responsibilities are accountable for the health and safety of employees and visitors in their respective work areas.

In conjunction with this policy, individual Safe Work Procedures, guidelines and standards will be prepared in consultation with relevant employees and issued. We expect all employees, contractors and visitors to our workplaces to follow safe work practices as prescribed under the legislation and in our Policies and Safe Work Procedures, and that they make every effort to reduce the risk of injury to themselves and others.

We will provide adequate resources to manage and maintain health and safety together with regular training on workplace health and safety, and expect our employees to attend.

Workplace Health and Safety is important and we all have an obligation to ensure that we have a safe and healthy working environment and we encourage you to actively participate so that we may achieve this goal.

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